Teaser image
Mōmentum is an open call for photographers loosely based on the concept of migration. The selected images will be part of an installation at MINIMUM and featured on DER GREIF’s Specials.

About Mōmentum

The theme of the open call is loosely based on the concept of migration. We are seeking images relating to this theme through all photographic genres and approaches. Our aim is to explore the concept and representation of migration. Hence we are looking for images that depict emigration, immigration, resettlement, routes, traces, movement, and so on. ”The Latin word “mōmentum” means movement, but also motion, change, revolution, moment, circumstance, importance, influence. In physics, momentum is instead the product of the mass and velocity of an object, or a person.”

Why submit to »Mōmentum«?

The selected images will be printed to be part of an installation at MINIMUM Studio in Palermo (Sicily - Italy) as well as featured on the website of DER GREIF.

"Mōmentum" will be also displayed during “Mo[t]us Operandi”, a collateral event of Manifesta contemporary art biennial in Palermo. "Mo[t]us Operandi" is organised and curated by Minimum and it will take place in June 2018 in Palermo.

Judging Criteria

The results of the open call will be shown in three different sessions, one per judge. Each curator will have a look at the images submitted ; as soon as an image is chosen by the curator, it will be printed and exhibited at Minimum, later displayed online on Der Greif’s Specials webpage.

Minimum Window-Showcase (Installation)

The three curated installments:

As soon as a picture is chosen by the judge, it will be printed and shown at Minimum Studio in Palermo. The picked images will be part of an installation exhibited inside a window-display in the courtyard of the studio, open to the public. As soon as the window-display is full, the other prints will be placed over the first layer, and so on. After the end of the open call, the installation might “emigrate” to be displayed also in other venues. All the photographers involved will be mentioned even if their images will not be visible anymore. The installation is curated by Simone Sapienza (Minimum).

Der Greif Showcase (Online)

All the images selected by the curators will be part of an online archive on Der Greif. As soon as a picture is covered by another print in the window-showcase, it will be available online.

Juror Information


Diane Smyth
Marina Paulenka
Salvatore Vitale


Call for entries open
23 February 2018
Submission deadline
31 March 2018
Start winner announcement
16 April 2018
End winner announcement«
23 May 2018


Submission Requirements

  • One project with a maximum of 3 images
  • Technical terms: min. 3000px, max. 7000px. Images are getting printed right after selection

Entrance Fees

  • no entrance fees


MINIMUM is a perimeter open to the new languages of photography and image, made of research, collaborations and commissions. It was born out of a desire to host and promote the work of those who took part in its creation, while giving a space and voice to the experiences of artists external to it. Located in a former warehouse in the historical centre of Palermo, Minimum is a place inhabited by images, machines, prints, ideas, books and projects. It is the creative effort of people who work with and live of photography, and of many other things • www.minimumstudio.it

About Der Greif

Der Greif researches subjects affecting the production, distribution, presentation and thus our perception of photographic images – on screens, in print as well as in exhibitions. All projects connect virtual, physical and / or print-spaces.