Landskrona Foto has in recent years been established as one of the Nordic regions’ eminent photography initiatives and includes the renowned Landskrona Foto Festival. Fröfabriken Creative Space is a collaborative platform for art, production and meeting. It is situated in a former seed plant in Landskrona. 1600 sqm have been remodelled to accommodate artists’ and photographers’ specific workspace needs. Today there are 13 ateliers, one photo studio and a multi-use hall for meetings, events, and group activities. The artists, photographers and designers in Fröfabriken welcome participants of the residency program into a stimulating environment with access to local and global networks within the artistic and photographic industries.
It’s an opportunity for a photographer or artist working with photography and/or lens based media to have time and space away from their usual environment and obligations.
The residency takes place for 6 weeks from mid-October to end of November 2018. The residency photographer receives a grant of 15000 SEK (approx. 1500 EUR), travel expenses to and from the home country (economy only), an apartment in Landskrona, and a private studio at Fröfabriken Creative Space.
Landskrona Foto connects the photographer in residency with regional-based photographers, artist and other art professionals through meetings, mentoring, exhibition openings and other networking opportunities.
During the residency or during Landskrona Foto Festival 2019, an event (talk, screening or similar) is organized in collaboration with the coordinator of the program.
We welcome early to mid-career photographer or artist working with photography and/or lens based media, who wish to further and challenge their practice. We like to see that the photographer engages in a project related to Landskrona.
Monica Allende is an independent curator, creative producer and educator. She is the Artistic Director of GetxoPhoto Photo Festival, she is collaborating with WeTransfer as a Creative Director, she was the director of FORMAT17 International Photography Festival, she has collaborated with Screen Projects and is producing several multidisciplinary projects with artists and digital platforms worldwide.
Previously Monica was the Photo Editor at the Sunday Times Magazine, where she launched Spectrum, the award-winning photography section. She is a visiting lecturer at the London College of Communication and lectures and teaches workshops at ScreenLab, London; EFTI, Madrid; Tashkeil, Saudi Arabia; the University of Sunderland’s Mentorship Business Programme; Festival Internazionale a Ferrara; WPP workshop Angola; Magnum Professional Practice Workshops, among others.
She nominates photographers for the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize, the Prix Pictet, and The Joop Swart Masterclass/ WPP; FOAM Paul Huf award, and she has served on juries worldwide including the World Press Photo, Bar Tur Photobook award, La Fabrica/Photo London dummy award, phmuseum award, Visura Grant, National Portrait Gallery’s Taylor Wessing photographic Portrait Prize, among many other. Monica produced and curated Darfur: Images Against Impunity, an exhibition and a book by Stanley Greene, Lynsey Addario and Alvaro Ybarra Zavala.
She is the recipient of the Amnesty International Media Photojournalism Award, the Picture Editor’s Award, the Online Press Award and Magazine Design Award for Best Use of Photography.
Nina Slejko Blom and Conny Blom are two internationally active contemporary artists based in Landskrona, Sweden. Working both seperately and as a team, they have made over 250 exhibitions at relevant institutions around the world. Parallel with their artistic practice they work as curators for Conceptual Art Centre Bukovje/Landskrona, a budgetless non profit exhibition platform. Run completely without financial means, CAC Bukovje/Landskrona is questioning the established hierarchies within the contemporary art system while arranging exhibitions in the periphery of the art world. Their program includes both up and coming artists as well as established names like Gillian Wearing, Jeremy Deller, Roni Horn and Trevor Paglen. In 2017 they published CAB - Conceptual Art Book with financial help from conceptual art legend Joseph Kosuth. Apart from their artistic and curatorial practices they also work as teachers at the Umeå Art Academy, in the north of Sweden.
Carlos Alba (Madrid, 1984) is a visual artist based in London working on mixed media, mainly colour photography and video. His work is focused on human relations in the modern world. His tools are objects and archives that help him find the photographs and videos that he wants to take. He was the recipient of Xhibit 2018, Tokyo International Photography Competition 2017, Landskrona Foto Residency 2017, Zona C Visual Artist Awards 2016 and Flash Forwards UK 2016. He was a finalist of BMW ParisPhoto Art Residency (2017), Encontros Da Imagem (2016), Grand Prix Fotofestiwal (2016) and Descubrimientos PhotoEspaña (2015). His work was exhibited at various galleries and museums worldwide, most recently at GGallery (Taipei, 2018), UPI Gallery (New York, 2018), Wonder Foto (Taipei, 2018) Format Festival (Derby, 2017), Auditorio de Galicia (Santiago de Compostela, 2017), La Fabrica Gallery (Madrid, 2016), Art Inkubator (Lodz, 2016), PhotoEspaña (Madrid, 2016), Festival Circulations (Paris, 2016) and Arts Santa Monica (Barcelona, 2016), amongst others. His recent artist book “The Observation of Trifles”, published by La Fabrica (2016), is part of international library collections such as Tate (UK), Harvard (USA), The Library Project (Ireland), Landskrona Museum (Sweden), Reminders Photography Stronghold (Japan) and Fotocolectania (Spain).
Jenny Nordquist is a photographer, curator and teacher. She is head of Landskrona Foto, a photographic centre that has in recent years been established as one of the Nordic regions’ eminent photography initiatives and includes the renowned Landskrona Foto Festival, an annual festival for contemporary art photography. Landskrona Foto Festival has Since it’s start five years ago established its position as an international meeting place for photographers and those with an interest in photography. Renowned artists are exhibited alongside new, promising names and many of the pictures on display have never been shown in Sweden or Scandinavia before. Previous Jenny was head of a photography department at an art school in Sweden, from 2011-2016 she ran a gallery space for art photography in Copenhagen, Denmark.