The Landskrona Open Call window exhibition places 50 images throughout Landskrona city center in the windows of it’s boutiques, hotels and restaurants. With this exhibition we want to bring photography out into the public space, this is a crucial part of the festival, how we interact with the city and how we put it on the map. The window exhibition will run during the summer up to and during Landskrona Foto Festival. To accompany the exhibition we will produce a catalogue of all the images selected.
Since it started in 2013 Landskrona Foto Festival has developed to become one of the most talked about photo festivals in northern Europe. The ambition for the festival is to show art photography of the highest international class from a blend of countries. The festival is also an important meeting place for photography professionals with a portfolio review, dummy award, workshops, photobook days, a large number of exhibitions, artist talks, seminar and much more
We look at if the work is new i.e., created in the last five years. How well the image relates to the theme ‘So far’ (until now, up till / to now, up to this point, as yet, thus far, up to the present, until / till the present, to date, by this time). How the image will work in the context of public shop and restaurant windows in the city.
Emma Bowket
Occupation: Director of Photography at the Financial Times FT Weekend Magazine.
Emma Bowkett is Director of Photography at the Financial Times FT Weekend Magazine. Joining in 2009, she was integral to the small creative team who reworked the visual language of the magazine ready for the 2010 re-launch. Emma is the co-curator for a Financial Times special supplement and day of events as part of Photo London. This year Emma will curate an exhibition as part of the Triennial of Photography Hamburg and another for Peckham 24 in London.
Christian Caujolle
Occupation: Artistic Director, Landskrona Foto Festival.
Christian Caujolle is one of the most internationally respected photography critics and curators. He worked as Picture Director at Libération before founding the VU' photo agency in 1986. He has participated in various juries of some of the most prestigious world contests, including the World Press Photo, while in 2008, he created the first photography festival in Cambodia, called Photo Phnom Penh.
Jenny Nordquist
Occupation: Artistic Director, Landskrona Foto Festival. Jenny is at present head of the department at Landskrona Foto.
She is also a photographer and artist who has exhibited internationally. She has previously been head of photography at Östra Grevie College in Sweden and director of a project space for photography in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Simon Berg
Occupation: Simon Berg is a Swedish photographer and artist. He has a master in Fine Art Photography from Akademin Valand, Gothenburg and he regularly exhibits his work and has published a number of photography books.
At present, he is head of photography at Gamleby College in Sweden. He is also the founder of Blackbook Publications, an artist book collective who publishes books and other printed material by artist from the Scandinavian scene of contemporary photography.